Batwa Farm Project at Kihihi, Uganda

We have completed the purchase of approximately 10 acres of farm land near Kihihi, Uganda.

Four Batwa settlements will be involved with the farming activities of this farm.  Tweheyo Robert of the Bwindi Batwa Farm Project  will provide leadership and training for the new farm project near Kihihi.

During the pandemic the Omotani Caring Foundation purchased, donated and distributed food supplies to the students and teachers at the Bwindi Plus Orphanage School, members of the local porters associations and also families in nearby Batwa settlements.  Initially it was hoped that this food scarcity would only last a few months.  In reality the need lasted several years and there continue to be challenges in 2022 and beyond.

Discussions with members of four Batwa settlements led to a shared agreement that it would be desirable to purchase a productive 10-acre farm and engage members of each community in the farming activities of the farm.  The ability to grow and harvest two crops every year will help to create an improved food security and sustainable source of food for the future.  Each settlement and the Bwindi Plus Orphanage School will benefit from the harvesting of the farm’s crops.

 The purchase of this farm land has been completed with the support and continued partnership with the Rafiki Wildlife Conservation Initiative and the Sahaya International Foundation.   The positive collaboration that continues to exist and grow to support everyone in the Bwindi-Buhoma villages is yielding very positive results.


 The farm land and the farming will involve different settlement areas
of the Batwa that includes:

The settlement will be presented by the following Batwa leaders and elders
•         Kanyamugara Geoffrey-  Leader of the settlement
•         Nyakwezi Robinah—Settlement elder
•         Moreen and Joel -- Batwa youth

The following Batwa leaders and elders will represent the settlement
•         Nyamishana Norah – Leader of the settlement
•         George Zankaro – Settlement elder
•         Kahingano George—Elder

Representatives will be
•         Bukyebe Geoffrey—Leader of settlement
•         Madawa Jackson—Youth
•         Barekwe Flora – Elder

The representatives will be
•         Mukombe and Jackson – Settlement leaders
•         Nyinaburo Ruth – Youth

The Batwa Farm Project at Kihihi is located at Kanyanaburimano  Kibimbiri,  Kihihi, approximately 500 meters from the main road going to Kasese.  The farm land is approximately 10 acres and has been producing high value productive crops.

The new farm project will be modeled after the successful activities of the existing Bwindi Batwa Farm project.


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Shaya Rafiki guesthouse and lodge