HARVEST at the Batwa farm at Matanda
The Batwa have started to harvest their first corn crop at the new farm at Matanda! We look forward to being able to report the quantity of corn/maize that was harvested during this first growing season on the farm.
Today is a great day for the Batwa farm at Matanda! The work is hard and the smiles are genuine for everyone! Each phase of the farm work from planting, weeding to harvest leads to a better future for the Batwa families!
Update August 3, 2023. The harvested corn is now drying and everyone is looking forward to being able to gather corn for future food, seed corn for the next planting season and maybe even some corn for sale. The expectation and hope is that the second growing season will be even more abundant than this first great experience!
First harvest August 1, 2023 at Batwa farm at Matanda